How to Prepare for Listing Photo’s
Home sellers used to depend on curb appeal to make a positive first impression. But now with the majority of home buyers starting their home search online the most important way to make a good first impression is through pictures.
So how do you make a good first impression with your homes photo’s? I recommend following these steps for success.
Step 1: Throughly clean the house and I mean every surface including the windows. Believe it or not dust does show up in pictures, so do those streaks on your stainless steel appliances. This is especially true on a sunny day.
Step 2: Remove or hide the following items from your home.
- Rugs, yes they're great and very popular right now on Instagram and Pinterest but did you know that rugs, specially rugs in small spaces actually make the room look smaller because they stop your eye. It’s best to remove them from bathrooms and kitchens.
- Everything on your kitchen counters ..especially those scary knives on magnets and knife blocks. When you’re selling a kitchen you’re selling counter space, cabinets and appliances, make sure they can easily see these key features.
- Pictures, magnets and what not from your fridge. It’s amazing how much stuff gets stuck to a fridge. Sure that calendar comes in handy and those school pictures are adorable but clean and shiny appliances are what every future home owners wants to see. Bonus points if they’re stainless steel appliances.
- Anything useful from your bedroom nightstand. Your bedroom should be a serene place free of clutter.
- Wastebaskets, toothbrushes and cleaning supplies. I always tell my clients no one wants to see these things, a toothbrush is too personal, a toilet plunger is gross and so is a wastebasket especially if there’s ‘gasp’ actual garbage in it. Tuck them all away.
- Anything random hanging in the window or sitting on a window ledge. Just think for a minute how these things will appear in a photo. Can you easily tell what it is and why it’s there or is it distracting?
- Pet supplies. Yes we all love our pets but believe it or not there are people out there who don’t. Hide the dog bed and their food dishes.
- Put all shoes, jackets and anything else that doesn't have a home in a closet.
Step 3: Now that you’ve removed everything distracting it’s time to add back in a few key decorative items to make the space feel warm and inviting.
- House plants and/or fresh flowers. These items can be placed in every room as far as I’m concerned. Plants are proven to make people happy and relaxed, they also look good in pictures. You can place them on a mantle, in an empty corner or on a night stand.

- Pillows and throw blankets. Add a few to the couch, an empty chair or bench and don't forget the bed. These two items paired together are sure to add an extra layer of texture, color and fun to any space.

- Houseplants, coffee table books and a tray. (Are you sensing a theme here with the houseplants?)These 3 items staged together will elevate any space. Place them on a table or the kitchen island to create a welcoming vignette.

- Art. Art can make or break a space so don't skip it. I know it may seem easier and cleaner with out it but think of art as the jewelry, like the plant for the shelf or the light fixture for the room it can really enliven a space and draw you in.

Step 4: Turn on all the lights and open every single window treatment. Natural light is key and so are the views! Just don’t forget to clean the windows as mentioned in step number 1.
Step 5: Take a peak outside, clean up any debris, sweep the front porch and deck, place a pot of seasonal flowers next to the door and make sure you're car isn't parked in the driveway.
And that should do it. If you’re still reading thanks for hanging in there! I know this was a long one but there’s a lot to cover.
From all of us at Matt Engen Group thanks for reading.
If you have questions about buying or selling be sure to connect with us here.
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